SEND Information Report
SEND Information Report
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Prepared By | LMc SENDCO |
Authorised By | AGC |
Published Location | School Website |
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Version Number | Date issued | Author | Update information |
2 | 17/04/2024 | LMc | |
| Co-op Academy Hillside is a mainstream academy that provides an education for all children who are part of our academy family. As per The SEND Code Of Practice 2015: birth to 25 years, special educational needs and provision can fall under four areas:
| All children in our academy are continually monitored and are assessed termly. A teacher will identify where a child is not making adequate progress, despite High Quality Teaching. Where necessary, class support or interventions to support pupils will be put in place at the earliest opportunity. We will communicate with and support children and their families through this process. It is our aim that all children will reach their full potential. Assessment We will gain evidence from the following:
Your child’s progress will be continually monitored by the class teacher, SENDCo and Head Teacher. If your child requires additional support, a Learning Plan will be put in place and your child will be given specific targets to work on which will be formally reviewed at least 3 times per year. Sometimes this will involve a standardised test which will give a score that can be translated into an age-related expectation. Parents and children contribute to their individual Learning Plans, as working in partnership with families is of paramount importance at Co-op Academy Hillside. Each child on the SEND register will have a One Page Profile in place that explains the best ways to support them. |
| Mrs Leanne McGowan You can contact her on 0151 677 9960 or you can email her at Our SEND Governor is Ms Jennifer Murphy who can be contacted via the academy office. |
| Our school building is on one floor and fully wheelchair accessible. Designated disabled parking spaces are marked in the school grounds and there are accessible changing and toilet facilities located by the dining hall. Where necessary, pupils have personal evacuation plans due to medical reasons. |
| Children’s needs are assessed and class teachers plan lessons with all groups of children in mind and will ensure that the curriculum is adapted to suit the needs of individuals. Your child may have additional adults working with him / her both inside and outside of the classroom to help him / her achieve progress. The class teacher will adapt the curriculum to help all children gain access to the learning. Ways in which this may be done are:
Where necessary, we will adapt our curriculum to suit the individual needs of the children with a high emphasis on developing social skills. It is always our aim to provide the children with strategies to enable them to cope within an inclusive setting. |
| The class teacher and SENDCo will work closely with parents and will have meetings to discuss any concerns you may have. In some situations, we will use a home-academy book to assist with communication so that you will be kept updated on a regular basis. We will hold a minimum of 3 termly review meetings where you will be involved in discussions about your child’s progress and the setting of new targets. You will also be involved in the annual review meeting if you have a child with an EHC plan. Parents will share their knowledge about their child through completing the transition document. |
| Staff will discuss a child’s progress with them and the child’s views will be taken into consideration when discussing progress and target setting. A child’s views will also be considered at the annual review process and when the class teacher is completing their One Page Profile. |
| All of our staff have been trained to deliver High Quality Teaching. We use external agencies to deal with a particular difficulty a child may have and these can include:
Staff are kept up to date with training through staff meetings and training delivered by either external agencies or our SENDCo. Our staff have also had training on providing Dyslexia friendly classrooms and different strategies that can be used for children with reading and spelling difficulties. |
| All children are assessed and their progress is continually monitored as well as pupil progress meetings on a termly basis. This is then reviewed with parents, children and relevant staff. The interventions and support will also be evaluated and reviewed to ensure maximum progress is being maintained. |
| We provide a fully inclusive education for all children and that includes learning opportunities outside of the classroom. Children with SEND will be included on our trips and we will provide all we can to help all children attend. This could include providing your child with an adult to help them or a slight change to the events planned to help your child be included. Parents of children with SEND can have informal meetings with the class teacher to ensure that all activities would be suitable for their child. |
| All of our children are important to us which is why we provide a holistic approach to nurture their social, emotional, health and well-being as well as their academic progress. We will be introducing an identification system to baseline any potential SEMH needs using a Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire so we can monitor their needs as they grow and develop. We will help those with emotional and social difficulties through small step interventions and encourage peer interaction and support. |
| We communicate very closely with both Secondary and Early Years settings to help our children. We offer additional visits and meetings for parents for those children who will find the transition more difficult. Within our academy, children will have transitional half days to help them get used to their new class at the end of each academic year. All relevant paperwork is passed on to the Secondary Schools and SENDCos from each establishment will liaise regarding children’s specific needs. We work towards our children becoming responsible citizens and being able to contribute positively to society. We take this into consideration when planning learning opportunities to help them achieve this and through our Co-op Academy Hillside curriculum. We offer the Mini Pathways programme to all of our year 6 children and this provides them with a wealth of activities based around peer pressure and how to make good decisions for themselves. |
| The academy budget includes money for supporting children with SEND. The SENDCo and Head Teacher will speak with all class teachers and formulate a whole academy provision map. The Academy Governors and Head Teacher examine this and decide the SEND budget depending on the needs of the children. This will include resources, training and support to be offered. This information is reviewed on a regular basis and changes are made when needed. |
| Initial complaints should be directly raised with the class teacher as most concerns can be quickly ironed out at this stage. All complaints regarding SEND provision follow the academy’s complaints policy. If the complaint remains unresolved, the complaint can be forwarded to our Head Teacher. The complaint may be directed by the Head Teacher to the Chair of Governors and/or the Governor for SEND. Parents will also be advised of their right to refer matters of dispute to the Disagreement Resolution Service. Should action need to be taken the complaints procedure will be followed. Wirral’s SEND parent partnership is a useful resource and can be accessed on the link below: |
| We work closely with a range of external agencies, please see the list in Section 8. We signpost families to additional services to help gain the support they may need. The Local Authority’s Local Offer can be accessed via our website and this service signposts parents, carers and school staff to a wide variety of external support and services. Our families also have access to our Inclusion Manager, Ms Michelle McLaughlin. She will provide support where needed and signpost you to agencies that can help – a problem shared is a problem halved. |
We hope these have answered any queries you may have but do not hesitate to contact the academy if you have further questions or if you require any specific information not enclosed in this document. We will always endeavour to help.
Roles and responsibilities of the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO)
Our SENDCO is responsible for the operation of the Special Educational Needs Policy and co-ordination of specific provision made to support individual children with SEND. We liaise with staff to monitor the pupil’s progress and plan further interventions where progress is slower than expected. We regularly have contact with a wide range of external agencies that are able to give more specialised advice. If you have any concerns regarding SEND matters do not hesitate to contact us. There are many SEND terms that are abbreviated which you can find in the glossary.
ADD | Attention Deficit Disorder |
ADHD | Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder |
ASC | Autistic Spectrum Condition |
BESD | Behavioural Emotional & social difficulties |
CAF | Common assessment Framework |
CAMHS | Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service |
COP | Code of Practise |
EAL | English as an Additional Language |
EP | Educational Psychologist |
EHCP | Education, Health and Care Plan |
EWO | Educational Welfare Officer |
FSM | Free Academy Meals |
HI | Hearing impairment |
IBP | Individual Behaviour Plan |
LP | Learning Plan |
KS | Key Stage |
LAC | Looked After Child |
LEA | Local Education Authority |
PT | Physiotherapist |
MLD | Moderate Learning Difficulty |
OT | Occupational therapist |
SALT | Speech & Language Therapy |
SEN | Special Educational Needs |
SEND | Special educational Needs & Disability |
SENDCO | Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator |
SpLD | Specific Learning Difficulty |
VI | Visual Impairment |
ODD | Oppositional Defiant Disorder |
PDD | Pervasive Development Disorder |
EHCP | Education Health and Care Plan |