[Consultation] RSE Policy 2023 -25
This policy has been reviewed, and updated to reflect Co-op Academy Hillside’s policy format. The content has not changed from the last consultation in 2019; however, it is good practice for schools and Academies to consult on the content of their Relationships and Sex Education Policy periodically, so the Academy is seeking the views of parents and carers, colleagues and Governors. The consultation will run from Monday 27th May to Monday 10th June, you can respond to the consultation in person on the date/times below, or via email to the office email address. hillside-office@coopacademies.co.uk
Consultation Meeting 1: Friday 7th June, 9am
Consultation Meeting 2: Friday 7th June, 3pm
Last reviewed on: | 10/11/2023 | |
Next review due by: | 10/11/2025 |
7. Use of external organisations and materials 7
8. Roles and responsibilities 8
9. Parents’ right to withdraw 9
11. Monitoring arrangements 10
Appendix 1: Curriculum map, and additional Notes 11
Appendix 2: By the end of primary school children should know 12
Appendix 3: Parent form: withdrawal from sex education within RSE 13
1. Aims
The aims of relationships and sex education (RSE) at our school are to:
- Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place
- Prepare children for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene
- Help children develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
- Create a positive culture around issues of relationships and identity
- Teach children the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies
At Co-op Academy Hillside we believe that the teaching of RSE is extremely important for our children. The RSE that we deliver is carefully planned and intertwines throughout our curriculum. We ensure that RSE is taught in an age appropriate and sensitive way.
2. Statutory requirements
As a primary academy, we must provide relationships education to all children under section 34 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017.
We don’t have to follow the National Curriculum, but we are expected to offer all children a curriculum that is similar to the National Curriculum including requirements to teach science. This would include the elements of sex education contained in the science curriculum, taught in the Year 5 Unit - ‘Animals, including
In teaching RSE, we’re required by our funding agreements to have regard to guidance issued by the secretary of state, as outlined in section 403 of the Education Act 1996.
We also have regard to legal duties set out in:
- Sections 406 and 407 of the Education Act 1996
- Part 6, chapter 1 of the Equality Act 2010
- The Public Sector Equality Duty (as set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010). This duty requires public bodies to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.
At Co-op Academy Hillside, we teach RSE as set out in this policy.
3. Policy development
This policy has been developed in consultation with staff, children and parents. The consultation and policy development process involved the following steps:
- Review – a member of staff or working group pulled together all relevant information including relevant national and local guidance
- Staff consultation – all school staff were given the opportunity to look at the policy and make recommendations
- Parent/stakeholder consultation – parents and any interested parties were invited to attend a meeting about the policy
- Children consultation – we investigated what exactly children want from their RSE
- Ratification – once amendments were made, the policy was shared with governors and ratified
4. Definition
RSE is about the emotional, social and cultural development of children, and this involves learning about relationships, sexual health, sexuality, healthy lifestyles, diversity and personal identity.
RSE involves a combination of sharing information, exploring issues and values.
RSE is not about the promotion of sexual activity.
5. Curriculum
Our curriculum is set out as per Appendix 1. This is reviewed and adapted on an annual basis.
We have developed the curriculum in consultation with parents, children and staff, taking into account the age, needs and feelings of children.
Primary-age children will often ask their teachers or other adults questions pertaining to sex or sexuality which go beyond what is set out for Relationships Education. Given ease of access to the internet, children whose questions go unanswered may turn to inappropriate sources of information. If difficult questions are asked, teachers are expected to respond in an appropriate manner and inform parents of any conversations dealing with content that falls outside of statutory guidance.
The curriculum will focus on:
- Preparing boys and girls for the changes that adolescence brings
- How a baby is conceived and born ( non-statutory)
6. Delivery of RSE
RSE is taught within the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum. Biological aspects of RSE are taught within the science curriculum (Year 5, ‘Animals, Including Humans’), and other aspects, such as tolerance and respect, are included in religious education (RE).
At Co-op Academy Hillside, we teach Personal, Social, Health Education as a whole-school approach to underpin children’s development as people and because we believe that this also supports their learning capacity.
The Jigsaw Programme offers us a comprehensive, carefully thought-through Scheme of Work which brings consistency and progression to our children’s learning in this vital curriculum area.
Jigsaw covers all areas of PSHE for the primary phase including statutory Relationships and Health Education. The table below gives the learning theme of each of the six Puzzles (units) and these are taught across the school; the learning deepens and broadens every year.
Term | Puzzle (Unit) | Content |
Autumn 1: | Being Me in My World | Includes understanding my own identity and how I fit well in the class, school and global community. Jigsaw Charter established. |
Autumn 2: | Celebrating Difference | Includes anti-bullying (cyber and homophobic bullying included) and understanding |
Spring 1: | Dreams and Goals | Includes goal-setting, aspirations, who do I want to become and what would I like to do for work and to contribute to society |
Spring 2: | Healthy Me | Includes drugs and alcohol education, self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy lifestyle choices, sleep, nutrition, rest and exercise |
Summer 1: | Relationships | Includes understanding friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills, bereavement and loss |
Summer 2: | Changing Me | Includes Relationships and Sex Education in the context of coping positively with change |
For more information about our RSE curriculum, see Appendix 1.
These areas of learning are taught within the context of family life, taking care to ensure that there is no stigmatisation of children based on their home circumstances (families can include single parent families, LGBT parents, families headed by grandparents, adoptive parents, foster parents/carers amongst other structures) along with reflecting sensitively that some children may have a different structure of support around them (for example: looked after children or young carers).
Children are introduced, at appropriate stages, to the correct terminology in their programme of sex education. It is important that acceptable and unacceptable terminology is clarified. After initial discussion, correct biological terms are used at all times for teaching.
Teachers answer questions that may arise through the direct teaching of sex education, as well as those that may be asked at other times. All questions are handled sensitively and openly and are set within a general context. They ensure that balanced information is provided which attempts to take into account the different faiths’ views and avoids any negative impressions.
Questions which teachers feel uncertain about answering are discussed with a senior member of staff or the Inclusion Manager and answered at a later date. Consideration is given to religious or cultural factors, and to parents’ wishes (where these are known) before questions are answered.
We will teach in a manner which:
- Considers how materials and topics relate to a diverse range of children
- Is sensitive to all children’s experiences
- Makes children feel safe, supported and able to engage with the key messages
We will also make sure that children learn about these topics in an environment that’s appropriate for them, for example in:
- A whole-class setting
- Small groups or targeted sessions
- Using a variety of formats
- Give careful consideration to the level of differentiation needed
Use of resources
We will consider whether any resources we plan to use:
- Are aligned with the teaching requirements set out in the statutory RSE guidance
- Would support children in applying their knowledge in different contexts and settings
- Are age-appropriate, given the age, developmental stage and background of our children
- Are evidence-based and contain robust facts and statistics
- Fit into our curriculum plan
- Are from credible sources
- Are compatible with effective teaching approaches
- Are sensitive to childrens’ experiences and won’t provoke distress
7. Use of external organisations and materials
We will make sure that an agency and any materials used are appropriate and in line with our legal duties around political impartiality.
The school remains responsible for what is said to children. This includes making sure that any speakers, tools and resources used don’t undermine the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
We will:
- Make appropriate checks and engage with external agencies to make sure that their approach to teaching about RSE is balanced and the resources they intend to use:
- Are age-appropriate
- Are in line with children’ developmental stage
- Comply with:
- This policy
- The Teachers’ Standards
- The Equality Act 2010
- The Human Rights Act 1998
- The Education Act 1996
- Only work with external agencies where we have full confidence in the agency, its approach and the resources it uses
- Make sure that any speakers and resources meet the intended outcome of the relevant part of the curriculum
- Review any case study materials and look for feedback from other people the agency has worked with
- Be clear on:
- What they’re going to say
- Their position on the issues to be discussed
- Ask to see in advance any materials that the agency may use
- Know the named individuals who will be there, and follow our usual safeguarding procedures for these people
- Conduct a basic online search and address anything that may be of concern to us, or to parents and carers
- Check the agency’s protocol for taking pictures or using any personal data they might get from a session
- Remind teachers that they can say “no” or, in extreme cases, stop a session
- Make sure that the teacher is in the room during any sessions with external speakers
We won’t, under any circumstances:
- Work with external agencies that take or promote extreme political positions
- Use materials produced by such agencies, even if the material itself is not extreme
8. Roles and responsibilities
8.1 The governing board
The governing board will hold the headteacher to account for the implementation of this policy.
The governing board has retained responsibility for the approval of this policy.
8.2 The Headteacher
The headteacher is responsible for ensuring that RSE is taught consistently across the school, and for managing requests to withdraw children from components of RSE (see section 9).
8.3 Staff
Staff are responsible for:
- Delivering RSE in a sensitive way
- Modelling positive attitudes to RSE
- Monitoring progress
- Responding to the needs of individual children
- Responding appropriately to children whose parents wish them to be withdrawn from components of RSE
Staff do not have the right to opt out of teaching RSE. Staff who have concerns about teaching RSE are encouraged to discuss this with the headteacher.
All teaching staff are expected to take part in the delivery of the RSE curriculum.
8.4 Children
Children are expected to engage fully in RSE and, when discussing issues related to RSE, treat others with respect and sensitivity.
9. Parents and carers
9.1 Communication with parents
We inform parents of the RSE content for their child’s year group annually. Please see appendix 2 for an example letter.
9.2 Parents’ right to withdraw
Parents do not have the right to withdraw their children from relationships education. The Academy will ensure that RSE is taught in a sensitive manner, taking into account children’s context and prior experiences.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the non-statutory components of sex education within RSE (ie. how a baby is conceived and born).
Requests for withdrawal should be addressed in writing to the Headteacher using the form in Appendix 3.
10. Training
Staff are trained on the delivery of RSE as part of their induction and it is included in our continuing professional development calendar.
The headteacher will also invite visitors from outside the school, such as school nurses or sexual health professionals, to provide support and training to staff teaching RSE.
11. Monitoring arrangements
The delivery of RSE is monitored by Ciara O’Broin through termly learning walks, scrutiny of work and children voice
Childrens’ development in RSE is monitored by class teachers as part of our internal assessment systems.
This policy will be reviewed by Ryan Lewis (Headteacher) and Michelle Mclaughlin (Inclusion Manager). At every review, the policy will be approved by the governing board and The Co-op Academies Trust.
Appendix 1: Curriculum map
Relationships and sex education curriculum map
Half-termly unit titles Year Group | Autumn 1 Being me in the world | Autumn 2 Celebrating differences | Spring 1 Dreams and Goals | Spring 2 Healthy me | Summer 1 Relationships | Summer 2 Changing me |
| belonging feelings working with others being kind Children's rights Being responsible | Similarities and difference Celebrating difference My environment Kind friend Standing up for yourself | Motivation Resilience Setting goals Encouraging others Thinking about our future Feeling proud | Exercise Keeping my body healthy. Healthy eating Healthy sleep Washing hands Staying safe | Belonging - family Friendships problem solving falling out and bullying managing my feelings | Identify body parts Healthy choices Growing up Expressing feelings |
| Special and safe in class Classroom rights Classroom responsibilities Feeling valued Choices and consequences | Recognising, valuing and celebrating difference Identifying similarities of people in class Identifying differences of people in my class Bullying and getting help Making new friends | Goal setting How to achieve my goals Working well with others Challenging myself Overcome obstacles Celebrating success | Being healthy Healthy lifestyle choices Hygiene and health Medicine safety Road Safety Positive body image | Understanding different families Making friends Safe touch People who help me Good self esteem Celebrating special people | Life cycles Understanding changes Understanding how body changes from baby Knowing the difference between boys and girls body parts Coping with changes |
| Hopes and fears for the year Understanding rights and responsibilities - Class and school Listening to others Sharing ideas Choices and consequences | Understanding stereotypes about boys and girls Why bullying happens Standing up for myself Gender diversity Celebrating difference
| Realistic goal setting My learning strengths Learning with others Working with a group | Being Healthy Being relaxed Medicine safety Healthy eating | Understanding families are all different Keeping safe - physical contact Friends and conflict Secrets Trust and appreciation | Life cycles in nature Growing old from young to old Understanding body changes Boys and girls bodies Assertiveness |
| Setting personal goals Accept new challenges and asking for help Understanding rights, rules and responsibilities Actions and consequences Responsible choices Thinking of others | Recognising and respecting diversity Family conflict Bullying - problem solving Recognising how words can hurt people My community | Identifying challenges and success Dreams and ambitions Challenges and problem solving Motivation Overcoming obstacles Evaluate my learning | Understanding why my heart and lungs are important understanding a balance diet Keeping safe How to take care of my body | Family roles and responsibilities Friendship skills Keeping safe online Being a global citizen Recognising differences Expressing my appreciation of friends and family | How babies grow Animal and human Understanding what a baby needs to live and grow. Identify the difference between boys and girls outside body changes Identify the difference between boys and girls inside body changes Family stereotypes |
| Becoming a class team Being a school citizen Rights and responsibilities Rewards and consequences Group working s | Judging by appearance Understanding influences Understanding bullying Problem- solving Special me | hopes and dreams Broken dreams Overcoming disappointment Creating new dreams Achieving goals | Friendships Group dynamics Smoking Alcohol Healthy friendships | Jealousy love and loss Memories Friendships changing girlfriends and boyfriends | Understanding how i was made Label internal and external body parts that make a baby Girls and puberty Accepting change |
| Challenges and goals being a citizen of my country Responsibilities as a citizen of the school. Rewards and consequences | Understanding different cultures Racism Rumours and name calling Types of bullying | My dream lifestyle Investigating jobs and careers My dream job Dreams and goals of others | Smoking Alcohol Emergency Aid Body image Healthy body image
| Characteristics and personal qualities Online safety Online gaming safety Screen time | Self and body image Puberty for girls Puberty for boys Conception Becoming a teenager |
| Identifying goal, fears and worries Being a global citizen Rights of a child Choices and behaviour How my behaviour can impact others | Am I normal? Understanding difference Power struggles Understanding why people bully Celebrating differences | Personal learning goals Steps to success My dream for the world Making a difference | Health and wellbeing Drugs Exploitation Gangs Emotional and mental health | What is mental health My mental health Love and loss Power and control Being safe online Using technology responsibly
| My self image Puberty Babies - conception to birth Boyfriends and girlfriends Positive self esteem |
DfE Parents Guide
Appendix 1 - Additional Notes: Changing Me
Jigsaw’s ‘Changing Me’ unit is taught over a period of 6 weeks, usually in the second half of the summer term.
The Changing Me Puzzle is all about coping positively with change and includes:
- Reception Growing up: how we have changed since we were babies.
- Year 1 Boys’ and girls’ bodies; correct names for body parts.
- Year 2 Boys’ and girls’ bodies; body parts and respecting privacy (which parts of the body are private and why this is).
- Year 3 How babies grow and how boys’ and girls’ bodies change as they grow older. Introduction to puberty and menstruation.
- Year 4 Internal and external reproductive body parts. Recap about puberty and menstruation. Conception explained in simple terms.
- Year 5 Puberty for boys and girls in more detail including the social and emotional aspects of becoming an adolescent. Conception explained in simple biological terms.
- Year 6 Puberty for boys and girls revisited. Understanding conception to the birth of a baby. Becoming a teenager.
All lessons are taught using correct terminology, child-friendly language and diagrams
Appendix 2: Example Letter Home
Dear parents and carers,
Relationship and Sex Education is part of the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum. Primary schools are required to prepare their pupils for the onset of puberty and develop a curriculum which meets the needs of their pupils and families. From September 2020 all primary schools are required to have Relationships Education in place and a Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy.
In the summer term we will be working on our last unit of the programme ‘Changing me’.
This is an outline of the content of the lessons that your child will be receiving and the vocabulary that they will be introduced to:
Year 6 Changing me
Word box: male, female, erection, ejaculation, hormones, wet dream, making love, masturbation, vagina, penis, testicles, anus, respect, old, uterus, womb, puberty, sperm, ovaries, sex, conception, menstruation, periods.
The lessons will include:
- Self-image
- Puberty
- Conception to birth
- Boyfriends/girlfriends
- Real self and ideal self
If you would like more information or have any questions please contact Michelle McLaughlin, Inclusion Manager: 0151 677 9960.
Many thanks,
Mrs M McLaughlin
Appendix 3 - Parent form:
withdrawal from sex education within RSE
Name of child | Class | ||
Name of parent | Date | ||
Reason for withdrawing from sex education within relationships and sex education | |||
Any other information you would like the school to consider | |||
Parent signature |
Agreed actions from discussion with parents | Include notes from discussions with parents and agreed actions taken. Eg: XXX will be taking part in all relationships lessons and during the sex education lessons, he will be working independently on a project in the Year 5 classroom |
Any Further Notes |