Children who attend 100% are 5 times more likely to work at, or above, the expected standard.
Coming to school every day allows your child to get the best possible education. We’ll work with you, to help your child attend as much as they can. We’ve got great attendance, please get in touch if you’re having difficulties.
To encourage and celebrate our children for their great attendance we run regular fun days and other rewards.
If your child is late 10 minutes every day, then over the course of a year, they will miss out on 32.5 hours of learning time – which is the same as being absent for more than a full week of school!
It is your parental responsibility to ensure that your child attends school every day. We understand that children get ill. If your child has an illness and you are unsure whether or not they are allowed to attend school, please seek advice from the school office.
Encouraging Good Attendance
We encourage regular attendance in the following ways:
- By celebrating good and improved attendance/punctuality with our weekly awards;
- By providing a caring and welcoming learning environment;
- By responding promptly to a child’s or parent’s concerns about the school or other pupils;
- By marking registers accurately and punctually during morning and afternoon registration. If pupils arrive at school after the close of the register without a written explanation, the lateness will be recorded as an unauthorised absence, and the pupil’s name recorded in the late book in case of a fire drill;
- By publishing attendance statistics; as well as using displays in classrooms
- By having a supportive Family Support Worker who works closely with families to address barriers to improve attendance and punctuality where necessary.
- By monitoring pupils, informing parents/carers in writing of irregular attendance, arranging meetings with them if necessary, and referring the family to the EWO if the irregular attendance continues.
Authorised and Unauthorised absences
We are only allowed to authorise certain categories of absence. If your child is genuinely ill, then this is authorised. If you go on holiday during term time, this is seen as wilfully preventing your child from access to important education. In this situation, your child’s absence will be noted as unauthorised. Our curriculum is carefully structured to teach your child important skills and knowledge throughout the term – therefore holidays during term time WILL NOT be authorised. We have a legal and moral obligation to ensure children are not prevented from learning – if you go ahead and take your child out of school a penalty charge may be issued.
We understand that sometimes exceptional and unavoidable circumstances arise that may warrant an authorised absence. To get an absence authorised, please request an authorised absence form and complete it – we consider each situation on a case by case basis. We ask you to note the following, however:
- The school will not authorise any form of absence for children who have an absence level of below 90% unless in exceptional circumstances or where a child has been ill for a period of time.
- Occasional absences should only be taken in unavoidable circumstances and at the Headteacher's discretion. Events that could take place at weekends or holidays such as visits to theme parks, museums, etc will not be authorised unless in exceptional circumstances.
- Where common patterns occur or attendance is poor the educational welfare officer will intervene at the request of the school and attendance panel convened. No satisfactory improvement could result in a fixed penalty fine.
Absence and Lateness
In the event of absence or lateness, the school office should be contacted on the first day of absence on 0151 677 9960. Children are expected to be in school by 9am (pupils can access the building from 8:50am). If they arrive later than 9am they will be marked late. Children arriving after 9:10am will not receive a mark for the morning. Children arriving late should report to the main school office. Children MUST be signed in by the adult bringing them to school and a reason for lateness must be provided.
If we do not hear from you
- A phone call will be made on the first day of absence if parents have not informed the school of their child’s absence.
- If for any reason an absence is not explained, a letter will be sent.
- Where common patterns occur the educational welfare officer will intervene at the request of the school, where attendance panels will be convened.
- Parents/Carers with children with an unsatisfactory absence will be required to provide a Doctor’s certificate to verify their absence.
- Lateness is recorded in a book at reception
- Doctor’s appointments etc are recorded as authorised lateness using a different symbol.
- Where there is concern a letter will be sent.
- Where there is no significant improvement the parents/carers will be invited into school to discuss the situation and meet at an attendance panel.
Late collection after school is also recorded. Where this is a recurring issue and children are picked up late persistently parents will eventually be charged for childcare costs.